
In Mozambique we support primary cooperatives in different parts of the country and different value chains to be economically successful and sustainable.
On a secondary and tertiary level, we are fostering exchange among cooperatives and explore the possibilities and benefits of formalized structures which create a benefit for members of primary cooperatives.

Since the start of our engagement in Mozambique about 10 years ago we were able to support cooperatives and cooperative structures in Mozambique in order to become a part of the economic cycle and to organize themselves in order to have a voice.

We intend to systematize the experience gained in setting up and professionalizing reference cooperatives to create and develop and test a support program for primary cooperatives which will be used in the years to come. Part of the program is the cooperation with educational institutions as well as the design and implementation of target-group oriented training modules to increase the knowledge, skills, attitude, and behavior of different actors when it comes to cooperatives in Mozambique.

A special focus in our work lays in the development of a youth cooperative sector in order to ensure an inclusive development especially for youth in rural and semi-urban settings.

Mozambique is part of the Regional Project Southern Africa Strengthening Cooperative Economic Cycles in Rural and Semiurban Areas in Selected Southern African Countries (SUCOSA) in which a regional exchange among the different stakeholders of the cooperative sector and supporting organisations including the Governments is supported and fostered.

Sustainable Development Goals

Our project in Mozambique contributes to several Sustainable Development Goals, especially:



Project Director

Veit H. Gesenhues

Project Manager

Fidel Joao

Project Advisor

David Monjane

Head of Administration

Tanja Mambo

Clerical Assistant

Priscilla Zibia



MIRUKU COOP is a service cooperative in the province of Nampula, northern Mozambique, supports the improvement of small, emerging farmers and cooperatives in the identification of business opportunities, market linkage and cooperative management.

MpC- Movimiento Pela Cidadania


DGRV House
175 Lunnon Road
0083 Hillcrest
South Africa

LinkedIn Team Africa

Other projects in the region



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