
Mexico is one of the priority countries in the DGRV’s project work in Latin America.

Its marginalized population, which is to be given access to the formal economy through cooperatives, is mainly found in rural areas.

For this reason, project activities are concentrated on rural and suburban regions in the states of Oaxaca, Chiapas, Michoacán and Jalisco. In addition to micro and small producers, MSMEs are also supported by the project as members of the cooperatives. By supporting a rural women’s association and the youth committees of the cooperative sector, members of cooperatives or other cooperation models also benefit directly from our project.

Through consultative and advisory services, and the use of tools and training, savings and credit cooperatives, agricultural cooperatives and the creation and development of energy cooperatives are specifically promoted.

At a regional and national level, DGRV collaborates with the cooperative confederation CONCAMEX and the association of agricultural marketing companies, ANEC, in structured advisory programs. Within the framework of these collaborative efforts, the aforementioned associations are strengthened institutionally and thus also their cooperative structures, which contribute to the financial and economic inclusion of marginalized sectors of the population.

A sector concept is being developed with the counterparts to foster the promotion of sustainable production and sustainable financing by cooperatives. The basis for this are study tours and the creation of technical and expert guidelines. In addition, training for the staff members of the Auxiliary Supervision and the Protection Fund (FOCOOP) are being offered, which is expected to contribute to a more efficient and risk-oriented supervision for the sector.

In order to protect the savings of the members of the savings and credit cooperatives, DGRV in Mexico is in close contact with the banking supervisor CNBV. In addition, DGRV provides advice to the relevant ministries and to the subordinate national authorities, such as INAES, the Institute for the Promotion of the Social Economy, and the national development banks, for questions on legal framework conditions and support programs for cooperatives.

There are no energy cooperatives in Mexico yet. However, the energy sector is in a state of transition, and at the same time the Mexican population’s interest and willingness to participate in this transition is growing. This should provide a remarkable opportunity for the cooperative projects initiated by citizens.

Sustainable Development Goals

With its activities, DGRV contributes to several Sustainable Development Goals, especially:



The principal activities of DGRV’s project in Mexico can be summarized across sectors with the following topics:

  • Advising cooperative head organizations on improving advocacy / lobbying
  • Building cross-sectoral networks
  • Systemization of education and training systems for supervisory, administrative and management boards
  • Strengthening the integrated cooperative systems
  • Providing models for sustainable corporate management (social balance tool)



Project Director

Dr. Matthias Arzbach

DGRV Director Mexico

Patrick Heckler

Project Manager

Garret Maack

Senior Project Advisor

Juan Manuel Muñóz

Project Advisor

Irlanda Zavala
Pedro Martínez
Sergio Morales
Marco Rosales

Regional Head of Administration

Stefan Büchele

Head of Administration

Mayra Gómez

Project/Clerical Assistant

Ariadne Navarrete
Magda Paola Martínez
Gabino Colin


National Banking and Securities Supervision (CNBV)

CNBV is a subordinate authority of the Ministry of Finance (SHCP) with powers in the areas of licensing, regulation, supervision and sanctions of the various sectors and organizations that integrate the Mexican financial system, as well as natural and legal persons which perform financial activities in the financial system.

National Association of Marketing Companies (ANEC)

ANEC promotes and creates a better bargaining position in the marketplace and for other institutions in the cooperative sector, while promoting economies of scale, reduce costs, increase efficiency, ensure quality, and increase competitiveness and the development of farmers, in order to ensure the quality of life in the countryside.

National Confederation of Savings and Credit Cooperatives (CONCAMEX)

Confederation consultation and cooperation body who acts in the design, dissemination and implementation of programs and instruments for the promotion, consolidation, development and supervision of the savings and loan cooperative sector.

National Confederation of Cooperatives with various activities (CONFECOOP)

The CONFECOOP confederation organization, founded in 1998, integrates regional associations of cooperatives, mainly from the manufacturing and service sectors. It currently represents 15 out of 32 states of Mexico.

Auxiliary supervision of savings and credit cooperatives and Deposit Guarantee Fund (FOCOOP)

FOCOOP is the Deposit Guarantee Fund, which also acts as auxiliary regulator.


Str. Porfirio Díaz No. 106
Col. Del Valle, Del. Benito Juárez
C.P. 03100, México D.F

F. +52 55 5687 3780

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