Our activities in Paraguay are part of the CoopSur Project.
Within the CoopSur project, we work with cooperatives and other forms of member-based cooperation in the agricultural sector and the financial sector. The project’s objectives pursue a multilevel approach in all sectors, addressing sustainability, protection, competitiveness, stability, and continuous training.
The CoopSur project cooperates with more than 20 cooperative partners in Paraguay and Peru to achieve its objectives.
This project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and is currently running until the end of 2027.
There are more than 800 cooperatives and 1.8 million members in Paraguay, corresponding to 51% of the economically active population. Cooperatives are found in multiple sectors, with the financial sector and food production sector being the main ones.
Therefore, the objectives of the CoopSur project in Paraguay address the main challenges of the cooperative sector in the financial and agricultural sectors to stabilize cooperative structures and ensure competitiveness and sustainability.
The project’s objectives are based on the following main areas:
Financial sector
Agricultural sector
At macro level, the focus is on generating an efficient regulatory framework and improving supervisory processes, the target group being the supervisory and regulatory authorities, e.g., the cooperative supervisory authority INCOOP and relevant stakeholders in the opinion-forming process (e.g., deputies).
At meso level, the project focuses on the development of high-quality cooperative training systems, the target group being the staff of cooperative associations.
At micro level the target groups are the members of individual cooperatives as well as other forms of cooperation. The final beneficiaries are microenterprises in rural and marginalized urban areas, with special attention to family producers, women, and youth.
With its activities, DGRV contributes to several Sustainable Development Goals, especially:
DGRV selects its activities according to the main areas and according to the collaboration with cooperative confederations, central institutions of the cooperative sector, federations, networks of cooperatives and individual cooperatives at national and decentralized levels, supervisory authorities, ministries, and others.
These include the following:
Development of studies, methodologies, guides, and reference manuals
José Manuel Bautista Serrano
Carla Seidel
Bruno Báez
Javier Gamarra (Agricultural sector)
Rosi Rivarola (Digital Education)
Rafael León (Strategic Planning)
Antje Ley
Corina Mercado
Martha Duarte
The Federation of Production Cooperatives is a 2nd degree institution, consisting of 34 production cooperatives, and has as its objectives the proactive promotion, education and technical support of primary cooperatives. In addition, various services are offered in the area of consulting, auditing and training.
DGRV cooperates with FECOPROD in an activity linked to the commercialization of agricultural products and the promotion of regional and sustainable consumption.
With the Network Enlace, DGRV encourages the exchange of experiences between 20 large savings and credit cooperatives, focusing mostly on the exchange of good practices in microfinance, but also other strategically important issues. This experience is replicated in smaller cooperatives with various strategies.
Dr. Cirilo Cáceres Zorrilla N° 1050
entre San Juan XXIII y Narciso Colmán
Asunción, Paraguay
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The German Confederation of Cooperatives (DGRV) and its Colombian counterpart CFA Foundation have developed the “Apoyamos – Buen Vivir Rural, We Support, Good Rural Living” Project. This initiative seeks to foster a renewed appreciation for rural life, encouraging communities and small-scale farmers to take the lead in their own development and prosperity. The project’s strategy […]
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