Young Mozambicans Turning Dreams into Reality

Empowering Youth Through Cooperative Entrepreneurship

The CST – Cooperativa de Serviços Técnicos is an organization made up of young students, mainly from the Industrial and Commercial Institute of Nampula a -technical and vocational training college in the north of Mozambique. The cooperative was created in 2021 in the context of the program “Caminhar por um Sonho (Walk for a dream)”, coordinated and financed by DGRV in partnership with the NGO Movement for Citizenship (MpC), in which CST competed and won the cooperative entrepreneurship competition at Nampula province level with its convincing business concept. As the winner of the competition, CST benefited from seed capital and technical assistance to start its business.

Innovative Services and Strategic Partnerships

CST was born with the mission of offering high quality services. Since its creation, the Cooperative has stood out as an example of innovation and youth entrepreneurship in Mozambique. Bringing together students from the Institute with training in different areas such as industrial electricity, information technology, civil construction, computer support, graphic design, multimedia and other technical areas. The initiative has given to students the opportunity to develop practical skills and be a role model for entrepreneurship among young people and promote sustainable community development.

Efficient Management and Digital Marketing

The cooperative has established its brand in the local market, providing a wide variety of services to other cooperatives as well as small and medium size enterprises and government institutions. For instance, in 2024, CST was responsible for the multimedia coverage (photos and videos) of a high-ranking conference on a holistic vision of the health sector organized in the province of Nampula. In the same year (2024) in a partnership with Instituto Industrial e Comercial de Nampula, they were hired by Nacala Logistic Corridor (multinational company managing railways, highways, ports and airports with a focus on the transport of coal form mines in western Mozambique) to develop foot operated water pumps for irrigation to be donated to smallholder farmers.

With continuous support from DGRV and MpC the cooperative ceased to be just an idea and, in 2023, was officially registered. It also had the support of MIRUKU Coop, which strengthened its structure and consolidated CST as a national model for school cooperatives.

Overcoming Challenges and Inspiring Sustainable Development

CST has proven to be efficient in its management. The organization relies on a collaborative structure, where decisions are made democratically, and each member contributes his or her specific skills. To stand out in the market, the cooperative uses digital marketing strategies, such as advertising on social networks and direct contact with local companies, as well as prioritizing innovation in its technical services.

The challenges faced by CST include the need for financial resources to expand and reconciling studies with professional demands. However, these obstacles are overcome with creativity and dedication. Strategic partnerships and regular training help to empower members. At the same time a flexible management model allows young people to balance their responsibilities.

With a focus on cooperativism and youth entrepreneurship, CST continues to grow, inspiring other initiatives and proving that, with determination and support, it is possible to turn dreams into reality and contribute to the sustainable development of Mozambique.


A Project Story of the Month by DGRV Mozambique

Project Stories